Meet The Residents...

"An invaluable source for filling in the gaps in The Residents' collective hive memory with occasional nuggets of information it turns out everybody has forgotten over the past fifty years."

- The Cryptic Corporation, Faceless Forever - A Residents Encyclopaedia, 2022

Welcome to Meet The Residents Wiki, an unofficial (but officially acknowledged!) fan-sourced guide and resource dedicated to North Louisiana's Phenomenal Pop Combo! For 50 years and counting, The Residents have existed at the forefront of virtually every new technology in sound, video, performance and interactive media - all while operating under a veil of obscurity and anonymity.

Since January 29th 2017, this wiki (founded and maintained by members of the fan group The Mysterious Spanish Ladies) has aimed to build a comprehensive hypertextual and encyclopedic historical resource and reference point on The Residents, sourced by and for fans, while also aiming to include details on The Cryptic Corporation, Ralph Records and other related entities.

Meet The Residents Wiki has been derived largely from the official and unofficial online sources listed below, as well as other reference texts, many more of which we hope to transcribe and preserve for Residents fans and historians for decades or even centuries to come.

You can begin your journey through the wiki either by using the search bar to the upper right hand side of the page, the quick links in the "explore", "contents" and "recent projects" tabs in the navigation menu at the top of the screen, or the links under the "navigation" heading below.